Sociology Field of Study, Certificate
Degree Type Field of Study Certificate
Total Credit Hours 21
Sociology at Collin
A Field of Study is a set of courses that will transfer and apply to a corresponding bachelor's level degree at a Texas college or university. Both the Field of Study and the Core Curriculum courses are transferrable for full academic credit to any public college or university in Texas. Students who complete the Field of Study block of courses will earn a certificate in that Field of Study.
For program information and descriptions, see Areas of Study section.
The recommended course sequences for the Field of Study (FOS) Certificates shown below only show those courses required to complete the indicated Field of Study certificate. Some courses required for a Field of Study certificate may have prerequisites that are not included in the course sequences because the prerequisite courses are not included in the block of courses guaranteed to transfer as the Field of Study curricula. In any semester students may take additional classes, such as core curriculum courses or electives, to complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree. (Please see the Associate of Arts (AA) General Studies and Associate of Arts with Field of Study Degrees and the Associate of Science (AS) General Studies and Associate of Science with Field of Study Degrees sections of the Catalog for specialized associate degrees that incorporate many Field of Study disciplines.)
Before registering for classes, students should always:
- Consult with an academic advisor.
- Verify if prerequisites are necessary for courses.
- If needed, check with the department on availability of courses as some may be offered on a limited basis.
- If planning to transfer, confirm requirements for the specific degree sought at the transfer institution.
- Plan out your courses beyond one semester.
Below is a recommended course sequence that will allow a student to earn the certificate. Please consult with an advisor to examine alternate sequences to meet individual academic goals.
Sociology Field of Study, Certificate
A Field of Study is a set of courses that will transfer and apply to a corresponding bachelor's level degree at a Texas college or university. Both the Field of Study and the Core Curriculum courses are transferrable for full academic credit to any public college or university in Texas. Students who complete the Field of Study block of courses will earn a certificate in that Field of Study.
For program information and descriptions, see Areas of Study section.
The recommended course sequences for the Field of Study (FOS) Certificates shown below only show those courses required to complete the indicated Field of Study certificate. Some courses required for a Field of Study certificate may have prerequisites that are not included in the course sequences because the prerequisite courses are not included in the block of courses guaranteed to transfer as the Field of Study curricula. In any semester students may take additional classes, such as core curriculum courses or electives, to complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree. (Please see the Associate of Arts (AA) General Studies and Associate of Arts with Field of Study Degrees and the Associate of Science (AS) General Studies and Associate of Science with Field of Study Degrees sections of the Catalog for specialized associate degrees that incorporate many Field of Study disciplines.)
Before registering for classes, students should always:
- Consult with an academic advisor.
- Verify if prerequisites are necessary for courses.
- If needed, check with the department on availability of courses as some may be offered on a limited basis.
- If planning to transfer, confirm requirements for the specific degree sought at the transfer institution.
- Plan out your courses beyond one semester.
Below is a recommended course sequence that will allow a student to earn the certificate. Please consult with an advisor to examine alternate sequences to meet individual academic goals.
First Year
Second Semester
- SOCI 2319 - Minority Studies
Total Credit Hours: 21
1. Directed Electives for the Sociology Field of Study are chosen by each transfer university in Texas that offers a Bachelor's degree in Sociology.
Review the Directed Electives for multiple Texas academic institutions at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board website.
Please meet with a Collin College academic advisor to determine which courses would be best to take for completion of this program.
If you plan to transfer, also check with your intended transfer college or university prior to beginning this program to verify course transferability.